Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Fly HighImage via Wikipedia

Can I be me?

I have to ask myself
Can I be me ?

For once I want to be selfish
Can I be me?

I want to dream as I deem fit
Can I be me?

Will no one please label me
Can I be me?

I seek my own self
Can I be me?

I want my own company
Can I be me?

I want to be free
Can I be me?

Free of the shackles that confine me
Can I be me?

I want to fly on a limitless sky
Can I be me?

I want to breathe in tranquility
Can I be me?

There has to be a new destiny
Can I be me?
Shimon Srebnik shackles from Chlemno campImage via Wikipedia

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  1. Poet wants new destiny---she wants to breathe in tranquality---- and wants a limitless sky---new visitas to explore---as if she wants to enjoy a new life once again--a very beautiful poem indeed ending on an optimistic note--

  2. Its a Beautifull dream.
    If anyone can find himself then he doesn't need to find any new destination. Its the hardest thing in the world.
